S02E06: The law of business and business of law in Asia

Audrey Jarreton and Lars Raedschelders - hosts of this episode and Academic Coordinators of the upcoming AIJA's 60th International Young Lawyers' Congress in Singapore - talk to Paul Tan and Rama Tiwari about doing business in Asia and more specifically in Singapore.

In this episode we cover:

  • What makes Singapore such a business friendly and innovative hub in Asia also from a legal standpoint?
  • Is the position of Singapore in the region an important success factor for the development of the legal industry?
  • What does it mean and what does it take to be a trusted legal advisor?
  • What initiatives is Singapore taking to transform the legal function?

About the guests:

  • Paul Tan, a commercial litigation and international arbitration specialist, specialised in managing disputes across South East Asia, and Head of the Formal Law Alliance litigation practice for South East Asia at Clifford Chance
  • Rama Tiwari, Chief Executive at Singapore Academy of Law, Executive Director of SAL Ventures, a subsidiary responsible for the development of the legal tech ecosystem.

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